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Winter Sports



November 9th - March 14th
Tryouts-11/9 10:00-12:00 in the gym

Coach - D.J. Foster  / Schedule

November 9th - March 14th
Tryouts 11/9 8:00-10:00

Coach - Cynthia Sorrell / Schedule / Website

November 9th - March 1st

Coaches- Ignacio Ramirezlazos /Schedule

November 9th - March 15th
Tryouts- 11/12-11/15 3:30- Dark Upper Field

Coach - Matthew Hidalgo / Boys Soccer Website / Schedule

November 9th - March 15th
Tryouts- 11/15, 11/18, 11/19 3:30-Dark Lower field

Coach - Jessica Montiel / Schedule


Coach - Russell Gotteman / Schedule

Coach - David Forester / Schedule

Tryouts- SSBU 10/17 Room 703 3:45-5:45

Timberwolf ESPORTS Website